
Research & Development We will constantly strive to develop the best products that are responsible for human health.


Bio-Tissue Processing Technology based on Supercritical Technology


Government-funded R&D using supercritical technology and R&D using external advisory group
Non-clinical trial progress - Non-clinical trial of filler with Seoul National University Asan Hospital 2 cases in progress (2021. 09~202.06(E)
Technology transfer agreement - Technology transfer of “injectable and spray-type hydrogel with tissue adhesion manufactured using tyrosinase” from Seoul National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation
  • Government support project
    Implemented a total of 8 government-funded R&D tasks (including completion)
    - Total project cost 22 billion won (government support: 15.6 billion won)
    Currently carrying out 5 government projects
    - Annual government subsidy of KRW 1.5 billion in 2022
    - Organized 2 cases / Participated 3 cases
  • Medical and Industry-University Advisory Group
    - 14 MD. including Asan Medical Center, Seoul Asan Hospital Professor
    (plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, ADM, neurology, etc.)
    - Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Urology)
    - Seoul National University
  • Industry-University Collaboration
    - Seoul National University, Korea University of Technology and Education
    - Asan Medical Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
    - Catholic University St. Mary's Hospital, etc.
Major government-funded research progress status
단위 : 백만원
Number Title Development period Total project cost Government contribution
1 Development of biological dressing material using bioactive protein derived from human adipose tissue 2018.01.~2024.12. 7141 4873